The UGI Customer Care Center is closed and will reopen on Monday, November 28th at 8 AM. Our emergency line will remain open 24/7.  If you're experiencing a natural gas or electric emergency, call 800-276-2722 immediately from a safe place.

Looking to start, stop, or transfer natural gas or electric service? Submit an online request form.
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Natural Gas for Business – Frank’s B&B Video Transcript

  1. Natural Gas for Business – Frank’s B&B Video Transcript

Meet Frank. He strives to provide guests at his bed-and-breakfast with an exceptional experience but lately guests are feeling cold, their hot water is running out. Cooking takes too long. And drying clothes takes forever. Meanwhile, Frank is drowning in energy bills. He needed a solution! After asking around, Frank discovered that local businesses have converted to natural gas to save money and improve service. So, Frank called UGI! He learned that switching to natural gas can pay for itself through equipment rebates and monthly savings. Within weeks, UGI connected Frank’s business to the nearby gas main, and a contractor arrived to install new, energy-efficient natural gas equipment. Now, guests at Frank’s Bed and Breakfast are enjoying efficient heat, plenty of hot water, instant gas cooking and quicker gas drying! He also gets fewer complaints, dramatic savings and enjoys more time with happy guests. So contact UGI experienced professionals who can help your business, too!